Wednesday 17 May 2017

S21 Handelssystem

Lawrence Dunbar hat geschrieben: Frankydobo hat geschrieben: Dieser Foden S21 Spaceship-cabbed LKW war wohl ein FG, aber es könnte immer noch eines der anderen Modelle sein. Dont du meinst Sputnik statt Spaceship, die S21 bekam diesen Spitznamen, bevor er immer häufiger als die Mickey Mouse Kabine bekannt, aufgrund der Release-Datum rund um die gleiche Zeit wie die russische Sputnik Raum Rakete starten. Sie sind ganz richtig, FD, sie wurden als Sputnick bezeichnet, aber dann wurde natürlich Mickey Mouse der berühmte Name für die S21, was ich für die bessere Wahl halte, Grüße Larry. Eigentlich sind meine Herren, Sie sind beide falsch: - DIE FODEN STORY, Pat Kennett, veröffentlicht 1978, Seite 153. S21 SPACESHIP und S21 SPUTNIK. FODEN TRUCKS IN CAMERA, E. L.Cornwell, erschienen 1981, Seite 50. S21 SPACESHIP und S21 SPUTNIK. FODEN SPECIAL VEHICLES, Wobbe Reitsma, veröffentlicht 2012, Seite 206.S21 SPACESHIP und S21 SPUTNIK. Alle oben genannten drei Bücher dokumentieren sowohl die SPUTNIK - als auch die SPACESHIP-Namen für die Foden S21 Cab auf den jeweiligen oben aufgeführten Seiten. Und die ersten beiden Bücher nicht einmal erwähnen die un-stilvolle und abfällige quotMickey Mousequot Spitznamen - die in der Regel verwendet wird, um dritte Rate zu beschreiben, Müll und abfällige Dinge in den ersten Platz Was ist mehr, von dem, was ich auf der BIGLORRYBLOG Website versammelt haben, einige Der Foden Old Guard, die im traditionellen Kutschen-, Re-Metal - und Holzbaukabinen getaucht waren, blickte auf den neugefangenen GRP S21 Spaceship Cab und fing an, es ein "Mickey Mousequot-Taxi" zu nennen. Sie dachten, dass seine GFK-Konstruktion billig und böse war. Die Foden S21 Sputnik und Raumschiff Namen wurden auch in verschiedenen Nutzfahrzeug - und LKW-Zeitschriften im Laufe der Jahre erwähnt, WIKIPEDIA dokumentiert auch diese Namen - und der Sabrina-Name für die S39, S36, S34 und S24 Cabs (keine Beziehung zum ERF Sabrina) - in der Foden-Geschichte. Einige LKW-Enthusiasten benutzen den Sputnik-Namen, andere benutzen das Raumschiff gleich, während andere Enthusiasten die Spacnip Sputnik-Namen zusammen verwenden. Beide Namen eignen sich sehr gut für den extravaganten, schönen und futuristischen Foden S21 Cab-futuristisch Es war 1958, zu Beginn des heutigen Raumzeitalters, als dieses Taxi eingeführt wurde, und das sind die Gründe, warum anspruchsvolle und scharfsinnige Nutzfahrzeugjournalisten getauft wurden Der Foden S21 Raumschiff Sputnik Cab mit dem stilvollen und stilvollen Raumschiff und Sputnik Namen Zuletzt bearbeitet von VALKYRIE am Mo Sep 03, 2012 1:41 pm, insgesamt 3 Mal bearbeitet. Eine Mitte der 1930er Jahre Foden Masquerading als Laib Brot. Daren war eine Marke von Brot aus proprietären Daren Weizenmehl Mehl ähnlich wie die ursprüngliche Hovis Mehl und Brot aus ihm gemacht. (Heutzutage bedeckt die Hovis Brotmarke viele Sorten Brot). Daren Mehl wurde in Dartford gefräst und das Geschäft wurde von Ranks erworben, als Daren um 1930 in die Konkursverwaltung ging. Nachdem RHM gegründet wurde, wurde die populärere Marke Hovis gefördert und Daren verblasst. A Range 1930s Foden DG, die Rückansicht zeigt die robuste Karosserie für diese Mehl Müller LKW. Exquisite Zeichenschreiben Werbung Daren Brot und Blue Cross Tierfutter, ein massives Geschäft, kostenlos zu Mehl Fräsen, für Ranks. Anhänge Classic Foden Eight-wheeler, gut für 20 Jahre service. Virgin Mobile Hat jemand einen Brief von Virgin bekommen. Wurden Verbesserungen an unserem Mobilfunknetz vorgenommen, also musst du deine SIM-Tausche tauschen. Gefragt von Norah aus Großbritannien am 14. Dezember 2016 Im nicht sicher, ob dies ein echter Brief ist, als welcher Grund müsste ich meine SIM tauschen. Antwort Wie viel ist der wesentliche Tarif pro Monat. 1g im Monat Gefragt von Joanna aus United Kingdom am 31. Oktober 2016 War auf einem unbegrenzten Sim nur Deal 20 Monate aufgewacht eines Tages und mein Tarif hatte sich auf 1g pro Monat geändert. Warum war ich nicht informiert wie gedacht Jungfrau hatte, um mir Monate zu bemerken Neuer Tarif war wesentlicher Tarif 8 pro Monat also warum ist Virgin mir sagen, jetzt 20 pro Monat Für 1g ausländische Dame bestand Essential Tarif ist 20 im Monat, auch wenn ich darauf hingewiesen, seine beworbenen Auf dem Bildschirm um 8 Uhr fehlt mir etwas Sick. Antwort Meine unbegrenzten Daten sind jetzt ausgelaufen und ich habe niemals irgendwelche bemerkt meine Sim nur Deal würde sich ändern .. Ich bin jetzt stecken mit keine Daten kann Jungfrau tun dies gesetzlich Gefragt von Joanna aus Großbritannien am 20. Oktober 2016 Reply Reply by John from UK am 21. Oktober 2016 Virgin Mobile Daten werden ständig überwacht, jede plötzliche Nachfrage in Daten wird verlangsamt oder sofort gestoppt. Bitte sehen Sie keine Full-HD-Videos, streaming YouTube HD-Videos oder alle HD-CCTV-Apps etc. Grundsätzlich ist es nur für das Surfen im Internet und das Senden von kleinen E-Mails. Antwort von Joanna hamilton aus United Kingdom am 11. Dezember 2016 Das hat meine Frage nicht beantwortet .. Ich war damals informiert, dass die Jungfrau alle unbegrenzten Pläne gestoppt hatte. In deinen Regeln, die mir nicht gehörten, stellte es fest, dass wenn eine Änderung für mich schädlich wäre Haben vorherige Warnung gegeben worden ..why tat dies nicht geschehen Virgin Mobile Benutzer Bewertungen Liebe dieses Produkt Hate it Bitte teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen, um anderen Menschen zu helfen, wählen Sie das Produkt, das am besten für sie ist. Bitte überprüfen Sie dieses Produkt nicht, wenn Sie es nicht benutzt haben, und stellen Sie bitte Fragen in unserem Benutzer Fragen Abschnitt oben. Bitte benutzen Sie keine schwören oder beleidigende Sprache, und bitte, keine Werbung Durchschnittliche Bewertung aus 648 Bewertungen: Bewertet von martin aus uk am 26th Jan 2017 Jedes Mal, wenn ich Jungfrau mobil nenne, bekommst du verschiedene Dinge erzählt. Ich hatte 2 Verträge und bekam in den Gebieten mit einem von ihnen, also bat ich sie, das in den Bereichen zu dsconectect, da sie mir nicht helfen würden, die Bereiche zu bezahlen (dh Extrageld pro Monat oben auf die normale Zahlung), fragte ich, ob ich noch könnte Halten Sie die eine auf Vertrag, wie würde ich durch eine Schulden-Management-Unternehmen gehen. Sie sagten das ist gut und würde mein Konto nicht beeinflussen. 3 Monate später, nachdem sie nur eine Rechnung bezahlt haben, haben sie es aufgehoben. Ohne Ankündigung, als ich sie anrief, sagten sie auch, dass ich diese Nummer nicht behalten konnte, da es zu spät war, sagten sie, dass sie von meiner Schulden-Management-Firma erzählt wurden, dass ich auf einem Schuldenmanagement-Programm war und seine ihre Politik, um alle Verträge zu stornieren. Soooooo wütend Dann einige Tage später rufen sie mich für 1500 an, weil der Vertrag storniert wurde. Sie sagten, sie brauchen Konformation von meiner Bank, ich habe versucht zu erklären, dass es ihr nichts mit der Bank zu tun und dass sie nicht erlaubt sind, mich zur Zahlung zu kontaktieren, wie ich in einem Schuldenmanagement-Programm bin und sie haben bereits alles mit der dm-Firma bestätigt. Sie verkauften dann die Schulden (sie erlaubten es, das jetzt zu tun) zu einem anderen Unternehmen und thier jetzt um Zahlung bitten. Ich habe so viele Male Jungfrau genannt, aber sie verstehen nie Englisch und werden einfach immer an verschiedene Leute weitergegeben, die keine Ahnung haben. Niemals jemals mit Jungfrau gehen, ist der Kundendienst schrecklich, noch schlimmer als meine Schreibweise. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Angela Baikie aus Scotland am 16th Jan 2017 Wo soll ich anfangen? Hatte ein Sony-Mobilteil, das sich nach der SIM-Karte ausschaltete. Ich bin 15 Monate in einem 2-Jahres-Vertrag an dieser Stelle. Viele Anrufe und 2 Ersatz-Sims später bekommen sie mich, um das Mobilteil zur Reparatur zu schicken. Das ist, wenn die Dinge von schlechten zu schlechteren ging. Got eine E-Mail, die mir sagt, dass sie sich nicht mit mir in Verbindung setzen können. Es ist immer jemand zu Hause und mein Telefon klingelte nie. Viele Anrufe und viele verschiedene Geschichten und Ergebnisse später noch keine Nachricht von meinem Handy. Meine am wenigsten liebste Behandlung ist, wenn sie dir sagen, dass sie dich für eine Minute halten, dann 20 oder so Minuten später hänge ich wenigstens die, die auf mich aufhängen, verschwenden nicht so viel von meiner Zeit. Irgendwann sprach ich mit jemandem, der mir erzählte, dass sie versehentlich meinen Job nach der Entscheidung des Telefons geschlossen hatten, konnte nicht repariert und ersetzt werden. Ich habe einen Ersatz, nicht neu ich denke, wie nach 4 Tagen das zweite Mobilteil das gleiche Problem entwickelt. Ich habe das vor einer Woche mit der Zusicherung geschickt, dass ich qualitativ hochwertigen Service bekommen würde und dass das aussortiert würde. Heute, nachdem ich gesagt wurde, hätte ich eine Entschlossenheit vom letzten Donnerstag. Ich klingelte am Freitag, um mir zu sagen, dass ich heute morgen eine E-Mail haben würde. An diesem Nachmittag wurde mir gesagt, sie wollten das Mobilteil zurück zu mir schicken, weil sie im falschen Modell gebucht hatten. So würde ich es wieder rufen sie an und stellen Sie sicher, dass sie in der richtigen Modellnummer gebucht und senden Sie es zurück zu ihnen. Ich sagte ihnen, ich wollte es nicht zurück und sie setzen mich durch, um Entschließungen, die mir eine zehn Pfund Gutschrift gegeben haben, um ein grundlegendes Mobilteil zu kaufen. Ich bin seit vielen Jahren Kunde und das ist nicht gut genug. Zu welchem ​​Zeitpunkt ist Virgin nicht halten ihr Ende des Vertrages, den ich bezahle. Hasse diese Tatsache, dass ich ihnen einen Stern in der Bewertung geben musste. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Bokhtha aus London am 12th Jan 2017 Virgin hat die schlechteste InternetSignal-Abdeckung immer schlecht und langsam. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von John aus United States am 4th Jan 2017 Ive lesen viele Bewertungen auf Virgin Handy über die 6or7 Jahre Ive mit ihnen. Ich verbrachte Stunden, über Prepaid-Pläne von allen Trägern zu lesen und die Bewertungen von ihnen. Ich wählte Jungfrau Handy, weil es die besten Handys zu einem guten Preis hatte, das beste Angebot Minutentext-Daten und Abdeckung in meinem Bereich. Ich habe noch nie irgendwelche Probleme bekommen irgendetwas fixiert oder korrigiert. Im sicher bin ich nicht der einzige. Ich verstehe, wie frustrierend es sein kann, wenn es um den Kundendienst geht. Ich mag meinen Service und liebe meine Handys durch Jungfrau. Ich werde sie immer empfehlen. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Julette Thomas aus UK am 31. Dezember 2016 Top Telefon jeden Monat. Bemerkte, dass 2 Monate in Folge meine Gutschrift am selben Datum beendet war. Telefon Jungfrau wurde gesagt, ich habe international angerufen, was ich nicht tat. Ich entschied, dass ich nicht wieder an die Spitze telefonieren würde, aber hatte 4,00 Guthaben. Erstaunlich hat immer noch die Gutschrift auf, aber als ich 15.00 drauf hatte, ist davon ausgegangen, dass ich Anrufe gemacht habe. Ich denke, weil sie wollen, dass ich jeden Monat auftauche, warum es passiert. Du weißt, was ich nicht wieder gebrauchen werde. Ich könnte mich irren, aber es sieht verdächtig aus. Wurde sogar gesagt, dass das Telefon fehlerhaft ist. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Matt aus uk am 12th Dez 2016 Worst Kundenservice Ich habe Erfahrung und zu denken, ich benutze, um alles zu benutzen Virgin - nicht mehr und ich habe nur aufgerufen, um zu aktualisieren - nach dem Einschrauben und ich stornieren sie dann vergessen, es zu tun . Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Richard aus UK am 19th Nov 2016 Mit Virgin seit den NTL Tagen, über 15 Jahre und war vor allem mit ihnen glücklich. Allerdings erhielt ich heute einen Brief, der mir meine lange Zeit Loyalitäts-Rabatt-Deal auf meinem Handy (Sim nur unbegrenzten Tarif) bei 5 pro Monat (Rabatt von 15) zu Ende ging. Sprach mit ihrem Kundenservice nichts, was sie tun konnten. So haben gerade alle meine Virgin-Dienste (große Breitband, TV, Heimtelefon 3 Mobile Sims) im Protest, nach 15 Jahren mit ihnen, fühlen sich so stark darüber. Scheint kurzsichtig von ihnen, ich habe vermutlich mindestens 15-20K mit ihnen über die Jahre verbracht, und ich verwende nicht einmal mein Handy sim viel, aber es ist das Prinzip und der einzige Protest, den ich machen kann. Jetzt müssen alternative Anbieter gefunden Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Sue aus Uk am 19th Nov 2016 Schlechtesten Kundenservice Ich habe Schwierigkeiten zu behandeln wegen fehlende Kommunikationsfähigkeit und obwohl ich mit jungfräulichem Handy seit vielen Jahren war, konnte ich nicht mehr Stelle meinen mobilen Vertrag mit ihnen fort. Kann nicht empfehlen Bewertung: Antwort Bewertet von Kevin aus UK am 25. Oktober 2016 Service ist unglaublich schlecht, ich war schon seit 1999 mit Jungfrau und vor kurzem haben sie begonnen, lächerlich teuer zu werden. Zuerst auf meinem letzten Vertrag hatte ich ein völlig unbegrenztes Paket, nach einer Zeit, in der ich bemerkte, dass mein 3G langsam nach unten verlangsamen würde, fragte ich, warum und wurde gesagt, ich hätte meine Zulage benutzt. Aber ich habe für unbegrenzt bezahlt, ja ich bekomme unbegrenzt, aber es verlangsamt sich nach einer Zulage O. k dann gehen Figur. In meinem aktuellen Paket habe ich 4GB Daten, aber erraten, was, es ist nicht alles mit voller Geschwindigkeit, sie schneiden die Geschwindigkeit nach 3 GB Gebrauch Jetzt nach Ive verwendet 4gb Ich bezahle 2day und sie halten es immer noch langsam bis Erneuerung Datum. Auch wenn ich diesen Vertrag arrangierte, bat ich um ein bestimmtes Abrechnungsdatum, dem sie zugestimmt haben, aber sie rechnen mir eine Woche vorher, die mit meinem Budget verheiratet ist. Immer wenn ich eine queerie hatte, war er immer mit dem gleichen Spott und unhelpfulnes begegnet. Ich habe noch ein Telefon mit 3, dessen Unterstützung und Hilfe bisher vorbildlich war. Auch für einen Top-Anbieter nicht bieten 4g (aber Ladung die gleichen Preise) ist lächerlich. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Jason aus Leeds am 21. Oktober 2016 Ich trat Virgin Mobile nach dem Angebot für 4 Gig Daten. Ich habe nach wenigen Sekunden die Überprüfung meiner Full HD CCTV Kameras zu Hause gefunden, dass die Daten unbrauchbar werden. Ich kontaktierte Virgin Mobile und sie sagten, sie erlauben es nicht, ihren mobilen Dienst anzubringen. Ich erklärte ihnen, dass ich nur meine CCTV App auf meinem Handy, aber sie System denkt, ich bin Tethering. Sorry zu sagen, ich habe die Jungfrau verlassen und meine neuen Netzwerke haben dieses Problem nicht. Virgin Daten sind in Ordnung, wenn Sie nur wollen, um das Internet zu durchsuchen, nicht für HD-CCTV-Kameras, YouTube und Streaming-Videos verwendbar. Bewertung: Reply Bewertet von Kunden aus UK am 15. Oktober 2016 Virgin Media Tricking Kunden für Geld --- 44 für nur 300MB. In diesem Sommer rief ich Jungfrau Medien auf, um seinen Breitband-Service zu stoppen, den ich für das vergangene Jahr benutzte, während irgendwie das Personal mich zum mobilen Team verlegte. Die Mitarbeiter im mobilen Team haben mich stark davon überzeugt, in einen 5-monatigen Deal mit unberührten Medien einzutreten, sie hat mir erzählt, was im Paket enthalten ist, aber ich habe mir nicht gesagt, dass ich 2 Tage für jede Menge von Daten, die ich von der Datum Ich benutze die Auftragszulage bis zum Ende des Vertragsmonats. (Solange du das mobile Datum einschaltst, auch wenn du den Browser nicht benutzt hast, wirst du noch 2 Tage bezahlt, wenn du nur 1MBday nimmst, ist das Ergebnis das gleiche) Als die einzige Information, die ich während des Telefongesprächs bekommen konnte War das, was das Personal mir erzählt hat, ich habe Virgin Media vertraut und habe mich darauf verlassen, was sie sagten. Deshalb habe ich den Vertrag unterschrieben. Ich habe SMS-Nachrichten erhalten, die mich benachrichtigen, dass ich die Zulage erreicht habe, aber die Nachrichten haben auch nicht die 2 Ladungssache gesagt. So wusste ich nicht, bis ich 44 Pfund insgesamt für nur 300 MB aufgeladen wurde. (Wurde für 200MB im zweiten Vertrag Monat und 22 für nur 100MB in der dritten aufgeladen.) Ich rief den Kundendienst noch wurde abgelehnt, um zurückzuerstatten. Von diesem Ding, können wir sehen, dass Virgin Media versteckte wichtige kommerzielle Informationen von Kunden während des Vertrags Verhandlungsprozess und die Bedingungen auf dem Vertrag sind sehr unfair gegenüber den Kunden Auch wenn ich, wie der Kunde, haben die Pflicht, über Bedingungen zu wissen Und Bedingungen vor der Anmeldung des Vertrages, ist es gesunder Menschenverstand, dass die Verkäufer nicht verbergen wichtige Kosten Details in den zahllosen Seiten lange wortwörtliche Bedingungen und ohne Unterrichtung der Kunden während der Verhandlung (wo, am Telefonanruf war ich nicht mit Der Vertrag mit mir). Ich habe eine Lektion aus dieser Sache gelernt, aber ich habe das getan, als ich Virgin Media vertraut habe. Phewwwwww, was für ein schlechter Tag Ich aufrichtig warnen alle Mobile Kunden zu bewusst sein, dieses Problem und sehr sehr vorsichtig in Bezug auf Virgin Rating: Antwort von Denise aus Uk am 11. Oktober 2016 Ich war ein Virgin Medien und mobilen Kunden für mehr Jahre als ich Kann sich erinnern Ich war bis jetzt sehr zufrieden mit meinem Service. Ich teile einige der bereits auf dieser Seite ausgedrückten Ansichten. Ich bin jenseits frustriert. Ich bin 55 Jahre alt und kann ehrlich sagen, dass Virgin den schlechtesten Kundendienst hat, den ich in meinem LEBEN erlebt habe. Es gibt keinen transparenten Prozess für Beschwerden. Keine Adresse, keine E-Mail, keine Telefonnummer auf ihrer Website. Ich habe die Anzahl der Anrufe verloren, die ich gemacht habe, um zu versuchen, eine Lösung zu meinem Problem zu bekommen. Jedes Mal muss ich das Gleiche erklären und einem allgemeinen Mangel an Verständnis begegnen. Ich bekomme schriftliche Antworten, die darauf hinweisen, dass sie nicht zugehört haben, was erklärt wurde. Die ganze Erfahrung hat mich wirklich mit der Jungfrau fortgesetzt und würde mich definitiv davon abhalten, sie zu empfehlen. Rating: Reply Bewertet von Adrien aus France am 10th Okt 2016 Mein Operator hielt mich am Telefon, obwohl ich bei dem Betteln des Anrufs frage, ob ich mit einem ausländischen Konto bezahlen könnte und sie sagte ja. Nach etwa einer halben Stunde erzählte sie mir, dass ich nicht mit einem ausländischen Konto bezahlen kann. Natürlich hat mir der Preis des Anrufs zurückerstattet. NEIN, nur scherzen sie hielten mein Geld natürlich Ich schicke einen Brief, um diese Erklärung zu erklären, keine Antwort, dann benutze ich Resolver, eine Website und Ive wurde gesagt, dass sie versuchten, mich zu kontaktieren und hatte keine Antworten WIE KONVENIENT. Keine E-Mail, keine Mail, keine verpasste Anrufe oder Voicemail. (Meine Bewertung ist 1 Stern nur, weil man cant put 0) Bewertung: Antwort Bewertet von Paul Gamble aus United Kingdom am 23. September 2016 Das Netzwerk kann in Ordnung sein, aber ich habe 2,5 Stunden am Telefon verbracht, um zu versuchen, meine Mutter in Gesetze zu stornieren Vertrag wegen der Betreuung und völlig unfähig zu uns das Telefon. Da ich kein Passwort habe kein Mitglied des Kundendienstes würde mit mir sprechen diesen Vorabend, obwohl ich Telefon hatte keine Kontonummer D. O.B. Bankkonto Daten. Insgesamt 2.4 Stunden am Telefon ausgegeben, was für eine total Müll-Firma bin ich ein jungfräulicher Medien-Kunde, aber nach dieser Erfahrung, wenn der Vertrag ist NIE WIRD ICH ICH MEIN GELD GEBEN. Setzen Sie nutzlos in die therouris und fügen Sie jedes Wort hinzu, um sie zu beschreiben. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von M Ahmed aus UK am 22nd Sep 2016 Nichts funktioniert richtig oder schnell genug Ich habe ok fone aber Müll Service, die aus Putt mit fone public. Verlorene Zahlen und sie saugen das Leben der Menschen 3G aint was es sollte b aber gefälschte Logo. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Jason aus UK am 11. September 2016 Ich war mit EE und die Preise waren fast doppelt verglichen mit dem Angebot, das ich mit Virgin Mobile bekam. 2500 Minuten unbegrenzte Texte und 4 Gigabyte Daten für 10 pro Monat 30-Tage-Rolling-Vertrag. Ich habe meine Nummer über den nächsten Arbeitstag gelegt. Setzen Sie den maximalen Kontostand auf 50 von 125. Telefon Virgin Mobile zweimal, die proximal 5 bis 8 Minuten dauerte, um zu ihnen zu gelangen. Meine Voicemail wurde am nächsten Arbeitstag nach der Portierung meiner Nummer eingerichtet. Alles in Ordnung keine Beschwerden. Rating: Reply Reply von Sara aus Uk am 22. September 2016 Hallo Im ein neuer Kunde zu Jungfrau bekam das gleiche Deal 5 ein Monat für die ersten 6 Monate dann 10 für die letzten 6 Monate. Ringe sie zurück und erzähle ihnen ur mates hat diesen Deal. Bewertet von Gaynor aus England am 5. September 2016 Ich habe mit Virgin Medien seit 15 Jahren ohne ein Problem bis letzte Woche. Ich habe ein iPhone 6sand bin auf einem Split Vertrag zahlen die Kosten des Mobilteils auf eine separate monatliche Belastung zum Tarif. Alles, was ich tun wollte, war, meine monatlichen Daten von 1g auf 2g zu erhöhen (einfaches Recht) Ich überprüfte online und die Website für den monatlichen Vertrag stellte fest, dass Daten jederzeit geändert werden konnten und die verfügbaren Einheiten waren 1g, 2g, 3g, 5g usw. Als ich den Kundendienst anrief, wurde mir aber gesagt, dass ich auf 3g ansteigen musste, da 2g nicht auf meinem Vertrag verfügbar war. Ich fragte, warum ihre Website anders gesagt und wurde gesagt, dass ich auf die falsche Seite geschaut hatte und es war mein Fehler () Ich war damals, ziemlich grob gesagt, sagte, wieder online zu gehen und zu sehen. Ich tat dies, und engagierte mich in Live-Chat fragen über die Erhöhung meiner Daten und wurde gesagt, ich könnte dies tun, aber nur, wenn ich meine Nummer geändert (). Dort war eine Kontaktnummer auf der Webseite, die ich klingelte und mir ein schöner Berater erzählte, dass ich meine Daten auf 2g pro Monat für einen zusätzlichen 4-fach erhöhen könnte - aber sie müsste mich bis zum Tarifteam an die Aktion bringen . Sobald sie mich übertragen hat, wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass ich nicht auf 2g ansteigen konnte und auf 3g (extra 9 pro Monat) ansteigen musste. Als ich fragte, dass dies die Informationen, die ich gerade gesagt wurde, wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass der Verkäufer Berater war falsch und dass ihr System würde nicht zulassen, dass sie auf 2g ändern, nur 3g. Als ich wieder fragte, was sie mir sagten, der Mann am Telefon wurde defensiv, aggressiv und unhöflich, er fing an zu schreien und sagte, dass er wusste, was er tat und alle anderen waren falsch. Als ich versuchte, darauf hinzuweisen, dass ich der Kunde war und dass er seine Stimme nicht anheben sollte, antwortete er, dass er mit mir in der gleichen Weise sprach, dass ich mit ihm sprach (nicht wahr - ich arbeite im Kundendienst selbst und Leute nicht am Telefon missbrauchen). Als ich aus dem Telefon kam, weinte ich eigentlich - nachdem ich Carl erzählt hatte, dass er unhöflich war - etwas, was er ziemlich laut bestritt. Seitdem habe ich mein Breitband-, Heimtelefon - und Fernsehpaket an Sky (bei einem Verlust an Jungfrau von 90 pro Monat) gewechselt und werde heute abend mein Mobilteil auszahlen und an EE für meinen monatlichen Tarif übergeben (Verlängerung der Jungfrau um weitere 43 Monate) ). Ich bin nur ein Kunde, aber es wird mir eine lange Zeit dauern (und ich rede mit vielen Leuten) zu vergessen, wie ekelhaft schlecht ich von Virgin behandelt wurde. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Joe Gray aus England am 25. August 2016 Ich habe mit Jungfrau seit 14 Jahren jetzt nicht mehr, wenn mein Vertrag ist in 2 Monaten Zeit. Sie logen mir über mein beschädigtes Telefon zu, dass es flüssige Schäden gab. Ich nahm Telefon für ein Ende Meinung der Samsung Tech Kerl sagte, es gab keine Hinweise auf Flüssigkeit Schäden. Ich denke, ich verdiene es besser für bieng ein jungfräulicher Kunde für 14 Jahre. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von evie aus brighton am 30th Jul 2016 Ich habe mit Jungfrau seit 6 Jahren. Mein Vertrag ist abgelaufen, also war ein Upgrade. Sie nahmen meine Details und anscheinend haben sie jetzt eine neue Bonitätsprüfung System. Please Beware ..three Wochen hatte vergangen. Four Anrufe an Jungfrau. Nein man spricht Englisch. Sie verstehen nicht .. in Frustration Ich habe das Telefon den Berater ist Erzählt mir jetzt. Mein Adresse, dass Olive an ist nicht von ihrer Kredit-Agentur wiederhergestellt .. sind sie serios. so kann ich füllen eine Form aus. Ich habe das gesagt, ich würde zurückgerufen werden. Ich rief mich wieder an. Keine Aufzeichnung deines Schecks wir werden noch einen anderen machen. Ich sagte nein, dass du meinen Vertrag nicht stornierst. Und trainieren Sie Ihre Angestellten ordnungsgemäß ein wenig Kundenservice würde nicht ein Muss .. Als ich bat, in eine formale Beschwerde zu setzen. Wie gesagt wurde, aber Sie haben abgesagt können wir nichts für Sie tun .. auch wirklich ... egal wie lange Sie schon gewesen sind Mit ihnen und die Regelmäßigkeit Ihrer Zahlungen immer pünktlich .. es bedeutet absolut nichts. Kundendienst ist ein absoluter Witz. Rating: Reply Reply von andrew g aus england am 11. August 2016 Ich habe gerade eine ähnliche Erfahrung mit dem Personal hatte ich nicht verstehen, dass würde nicht akzeptieren, mein Passwort. Endete mit mir aufzuhängen Versuchte noch eine halbe Stunde später. Neues Mitglied des Personals fast unmöglich, sie zu verstehen. Endlich bekam sie, um mein Passwort zu akzeptieren und es geschafft, meine Sim nur Paket geändert. Als sie mir einen Brief geschickt hatten, der mir erzählte, daß mein alter Mann abgelaufen war. Immer verwendet, um britisches Personal zu bekommen, dass Sie verstehen konnten, was ist, was ich immer über Jungfrau mochte. Mit ihnen gewesen, seit sie Jungfrau waren. Soll sich bewegen. Ich stimme dem Kundendienst in jetzt schrecklich zu. Schande. Antwort von evie von brighton am 16 Aug. 2016 Mein Gott ist das frustrierendste Unternehmen, das ich je hatte, um mich zu verständigen, zuletzt in meinem Zorn und nach dem Abbruch meines Vertrages habe ich jetzt einen englischen Manager namens Mike. Yey..he sagt mir, um Stornierungen zu nennen, sagen sie ihnen, dass ich nicht abbrechen will. Wenn er mit meinem Problem umgehen kann. Also jetzt 14 Anrufe später auf Jungfrau wurde informiert, dass sie jetzt eine Firma namens Equifax. credit check agency. as jetzt alle Upgrades gehen durch das System jetzt als ein Darlehen. Alle Probleme waren, dass diese Agentur nicht recinise meine Adresse .. ich Ive lebte hier 20 Jahre. Ich habe reine Medien und habe seit 10 Jahren Jungfrau Medien von meiner Bank an dieser Adresse bezahlt .. und ein Berater sagte mir, ich lebe nicht hier. Habe ich den Beweis bekommen Ah sind diese poeple für real. Mike informierte mich, dass nach zwei Anrufen später endlich Mike bekommen. Unser berater hatte deine adresse unauffällig gesandt .. keine worrys Ich werde das übernehmen und ruf dich nächste Woche zurück. Ich werde das jetzt in deine richtige Adresse bringen. Endlich. Ruft in der week. dont worry wird jetzt geradeaus sein. Gut über eine Woche später nichts ... ein Berater wieder kann nicht verstehen und fragt mich dreimal so was ist es Sie wollen. Ich sagte, du hörst eigentlich zu, was ich sage. EIN UPGRADE. AND BITTE HAT MEINE ADRESSE DURCH MIKE KORREKTIEREN. Vermutung was ... wer ist mike. Mike der Manager ist es nicht auf deinem Bildschirm eigentlich was er beabsichtigte zu korrigieren .. und dass ich die Kündigung zu stornieren, bevor er gehen kann, um dies zu tun. KEINE ANGEFÜHRTE MIKE HAT EINE HOCHZEIT HIER. WIR FIND MIKE UND ERHALTEN ZURÜCK ZU IHNEN. SO ALLE SIE KUNDEN HERAUS DORT. DURCH DIESE PUNKTE 12 JAHRE AUF MEDIEN MIT JUNGFRAU UND 6 JAHREN AUF MOBILE BEDEUTUNG NICHTS ERWARTEN. ES IST WIE ZIEHEN ZÄHNE .. PAINFULL..DONT ERWARTEN SIE ALLES. JEDES WIRKLICH BENÖTIGEN SIE ZU ERHALTEN, WENN DIE KUNDEN ZU VERSTEHEN KÖNNEN UND NICHT GESPRÄCH ZU KUNDEN WIE WIR SIND IDIOTEN. WAHRHEIT IST IST EIN ZIRKUS Bewertet von Jai aus Kanada am 30. Juli 2016 Ive war ein Kunde seit Jahren mit Virgin Mobile und zum größten Teil waren sie gut. Allerdings habe ich vor kurzem eine Datenverwendung Problem, nachdem nach und Verwendung von Daten für Jahre und Verfolgung meiner durchschnittlichen Datennutzungsmonat als 2,5 Gigs, plötzlich in einem Zeitraum von zwei Tagen habe ich 6 GB Daten und wurde über 50. Ich rief an Bekomme Antworten, warum das so wäre. Ich war für den meisten Morgen in der Warteschleife. Das Telefon klingelte schließlich und es ging zu einem belebten Signal und ich war getrennt. Ich rief zwei weitere Male zurück und wartete, bis ich endlich ein Unerwartetes erreichte (meiner Meinung nach). Sein Name ist Sean (Angestellter Nummer 6052789), die einfach gesagt, Im nur für das, was ich benutze. Ich informierte ihn über diese ungewöhnliche Spike in meinen Daten und erzählte Hime, dass ich seit Jahren ein treuer Kunde war und er weigerte sich einfach zu sehen, dass vielleicht Virgin einen Fehler gemacht haben könnte. Gib mir eine Pause. Er hat gerade gesagt, dass das, was ich verwendet habe. Er sagte, dass es nichts gibt, was er tun will, weil ich richtig aufgeladen wurde. Wie weiß er, dass ich gebeten habe, mit einem Vorgesetzten zu sprechen, und er sagte, dass er eins ist. Ich habe gebeten, mit seinem Vorgesetzten zu sprechen, und er sagte, dass sein Vorgesetzter keine Anrufe verarbeitet. Ich habe gefragt, wem ich über ihn sprechen kann, und er gab mir diese E-Mail-Adresse. Executive. officevirginmobile. ca Ich kaufe meinen Vertrag in dieser Woche aus und es ist nicht meine Absicht, Schaden zuzufügen, zu verleumden oder diese Firma in irgendeiner Weise falsch darzustellen, aber ich werde meine Erfahrung mit allen teilen, die ich kenne und mich um diese Firma zu vermeiden, weil ich Fühlen sie haben glitches mit ihrer Datenverwendungsverfolgung und sind nicht bereit, loyalen Kunden den Nutzen des Zweifels zu geben. Ich möchte nicht, dass dies jemand anderem passiert. Nachdem sie mit ihnen treu seit Jahren, wenn ein Problem auftaucht, ist klar, dass sie nicht wissen, wie man ein Problem zu behandeln, wenn ein Problem kommt auf die Kundenzufriedenheit. Ich konnte nicht glauben, dass er nicht einmal bereit war, offen zu sein, um die Möglichkeit zu betrachten, dass es einen Fehler in Bezug auf meine Datenberechnung und Nutzung geben könnte. Sir Richard Branson, Gründer, wäre entsetzt, dass Wiederholungen in seinem Unternehmen nicht einmal offen für die Möglichkeit sind, dass etwas an ihrem Ende fehlerhaft sein könnte. Total Ausfall der hervorragenden Service hier. Wenn jemand einen Daten - und Zellanbieter in Alberta empfehlen kann, der mit Datenverfolgung zuverlässig ist und bereit ist, auf Möglichkeiten zu schauen, wenn etwas schief geht, lass es mich wissen. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von janette gardiner aus scotland am 29th Jul 2016 Worst Unternehmen, um mit fone behandeln Behinderte Kunden wie Einweg-Müll zu behandeln. Up uped mein Telefon storniert alten Vertrag, wie ich gesagt wurde, um für 2mnths noch immer Geld aus meinem Bankkonto für alte fone telefoniert sie ooh alten Konto nicht storniert wurde. Ja, ich würde das für dich gerade jetzt sortieren. Was über meine mny ooh werden wir es auf ur Bankkonto innerhalb von 7 bis 14 Werktagen zurückerstatten. Ich habe Rechnungen zu bezahlen Ich kann nicht so lange warten. Ooh soz wird 7 bis 14 Tage für ur Rückerstattung sein. Gut 14 Tage sind hier und ive noch keine Rückerstattung und telefoniert wieder abzuschneiden so yeah viel Hilfe ur Mitarbeiter sind. Aber ich bin sicher, dass ich nicht warten, um Geld aus meiner Bank auf Tues nehmen wen meine Rechnung ist, um zu kommen, auch du bist immer noch auf meine 71 Rückerstattung von Ihnen warten. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Nick aus United Kingdom am 25th Jul 2016 Auf Pay as You Go Big Talk Tarif. Zurückgezogene Leistungen Mitte des Monats ohne Vorankündigung so bezahlter Standardsatz für Telefonate und Texte, zog auch meine 40 Minuten Sprechzeit Bündel und verbarg mich von Nachfüllen. Jetzt in Tag drei und telefonieren 11 ja das ist ELEVEN mit noch kein Zeichen der Auflösung. Absolute dusche Sehen Sie vor Gericht für Verlust von Leistungen, Kredit-Gutscheine gekauft, die unbrauchbar sind. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von John Roger Wilkinson aus England am 3. Juli 2016 Phone gestoppt Arbeit, schwarzer Bildschirm. Phoned 150 4 mal, keine wirkliche Hilfe, um es zu sortieren, ging zum Huddersfield Store 35 Minuten entfernt. Problem nicht gelöst Phoned 150 wieder gegeben wurde keine wirkliche Hilfe wurde gesagt, ich muss warten, 3 Tage für sie zu (vielleicht) Buch Telefon für Reparatur. Wird die Lastschrift beenden, wenn sie das Problem nicht ordnen und woanders hingehen. Schrecklicher Service, egal für den Kunden überhaupt. Ich benutze mein Handy für mein Geschäft, also könnte plus 1 Woche ohne Verkauf sein, weil ich kein Telefon habe. Jungfrau Medien müssen wirklich ihre Handlung zusammen zu bekommen. Roger Wilkinson Liversedge Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Marianna aus UK am 1. Jul 2016 Mein Mann rief sie an, um einen monatlichen mobilen Plan zu haben und das einzige, was wir sagen können, ist, dass die Jungfrau den schlechtesten Kundendienst hat, den wir je erlebt haben Nach mehr als einer Stunde an Das Telefon nichts wurde aussortiert Die Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz der Menschen, die in diesem Unternehmen arbeiten, ist einfach unglaublich. Wenn dies ist, um ihnen Geld zu geben, können Sie sich vorstellen, was passiert, wenn Sie ein Problem mit ihnen haben Wir sind nur sehr enttäuscht, schockiert und frustriert. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von BM aus UK am 20 Jun 2016 Shocking Kundenservice. Versuchte, das Lastschriftdatum zu ändern, um beim Erwerb von Bankzinsen zu helfen. War ein Datum und einen Monat gegeben und sagte, dass es dann passieren würde. Hörte nichts, klingelte einen Tag vor Fälligkeitsdatum zu überprüfen und wurde wieder gesagt, dass es passieren würde. Erraten Sie, was. nichts ist passiert. Rang zu untersuchen und nach dem Warten eine Stunde am Telefon wurde gesagt, es würde nicht passieren, bis zum folgenden Monat, zwei Monate nachdem ich die Änderung gemacht. Nun, das war nicht auf mich hingewiesen. Ich hätte andere Änderungen gemacht, wenn ich es gewusst hätte. Ich hatte eine halbherzige Entschuldigung. Nicht gut genug, also bin ich verlassen. Umschalten auf Life Mobile, durch U-Schalter. Besseres Geschäft und ein bisschen billiger. Pity theres nicht eine keine Sternoption. Bewertung: Antworten Bewertet von Tracy aus England am 18. Juni 2016 Gekauft haben, ein Handy von Virgin Handy und 18 Tage später die Telefon-Bildschirm schwarz und aprox 13 der Oberseite des Bildschirms war grün Pixel. Obwohl das Telefon klingelt, wenn es angerufen wurde, konnte es nicht beantwortet werden. Da war es über 14 Tage in der Tat, dass es renoviert wurde, aber ich sehe es als Ive verkauft wurde ein fehlerhaftes Produkt und nicht wollen, dass es renoviert Ich möchte eine neue. Kurze Version der Geschichte ist, dass ich alle Schecks mit Kundendienst gemacht habe und es muss weggeschickt werden. Ich habe gebeten, zu einer Krippe zu sprechen, um ein neues Telefon zu erzählen, dass er nicht verfügbar war, fragte ich, ob er mich anrufen könnte, wenn man ihm mitteilen sollte, dass er nicht verfügbar war. Ich fragte, ob der Manager hatte einen Manager zu erzählen, dass er nicht verfügbar war, aber erraten, was eine E-Mail an den Manager geschickt wurde, um ihn zu bitten, mich in der nächsten Stunde anzurufen. Gut genug rief er Auf dem zerbrochenen Handy. i then phoned back to go through security and tell me story to then be cut off. So I called again and went through security again but after 20minutes of banging my head against the wall I still hadnt spoke to a manager and I was no further forward. I even threatened to end all my other virgin media services which is aprox 100 a month but all operatives kept to the same script. I feel completely let down and disgusted with the customer service I received. I did ask to be put through to to cancellations and they were shocked at why I told them I was leaving and even went through their procedure of speaking to a manger and steps to resolve issues. I cant wait for my contract to end so I never have to deal with them again. Customer service is appalling. Should have stuck to Vodafone. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Robert Tomlinson from England on 7th Jun 2016 Compared to orange they are excellent. If requested they will send you text messages when you have nearly used all your data, calls or text messages. The signal is also excellent. I have, on many occasions, had signal when everyone else I was with did not, the customer care is adequate however there is sometimes a long wait before you get through to a real person. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Tina from US on 28th May 2016 Have had Virgin Mobile for over a decade. Used to be no problems, then in the last several years (6 or so), NOTHING BUT problems. Now, for the last few weeks, my calls are being dropped CONSTANTLY. I was on a phone interview, and had to call back 10 times. The current perp is an android, and have had this phone for maybe about a year. Dont remember having this problem to this extent ever. VERY frustrating to say the least. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Gwyn from uk on 19th May 2016 My phone End Call ab is faulty some times having to touch 2 or 3 times. Rang a 0271 Number no reply so touch End Call Tab Have received Bill from Virgin of 152 58 have contacted Customer Services 4 times still waiting Answer, Recieved text Message that they woud take payment from my Direct Debit 1st June Cancelled Direct Debit I expect I will be conntacted very soon. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Steve from UK on 14th May 2016 I used to be able to login easily and check my mobile calls, text, balance etc. Now they have set up a new system and it is useless It was not transparent so despite not changing my password I have had to waste hours trying to set up a new one which will not accept. It has not been properly tested so you get text overlapping the login boxes and it doesnt accept valid email and passwords. Why have they messed it up big time when it used to work reliably for years Rating: Reply Reply by Lnda from Uk on 21st May 2016 Not much use to you, but I am having exactly the same problem. Reviewed by MarkO from UK on 27th Apr 2016 I am on SIM only monthly. Most expensive provider - when you are abroad - outside EU - 4 per min to call and 1 per min to recieve(. ). What a rip off. Rating: Reply Reviewed by john from uk on 27th Apr 2016 Had to contact Virgin mobile regarding registration, was delighted with the help and information I was given. The operator was very pleasant and pointed me in the right direction. Very professional. Good to do business with. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Shafei from United Kingdom on 8th Apr 2016 Someone stupid in the Philippines cancelled my contract without my authorization managed to to speak another stupid manager after 2 hours waiting (her name is Angy). They all have stupid racist attitude and very inefficient. I am writing A letter to the CEO. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Michael from United Kingdom on 11th Mar 2016 Been with Virgin for years and was on a 42 per month vip deal. Decided to go sim only and pay 15 while I looked at offers, but failed the credit checks and was explained about sensible lending, but then offered a 40 deal which was suitable to my needs. Not sure how a 40 per month contract deal is more sensible leading then a 15 deal. I was then cut of, however I was called back by the same women who couldnt pronounce my name and refused to talk to me as she had no proof it was me. As the customer services werent great I went in store who then couldnt help for 30 days as the customer services had updated my account and would have to call them back. They wouldnt even let me use their phones. Called customers services back who said the stores would say anything to get rid of you and adviced to write to some customer department who dont have telephone numbers or email addresses. Think Im just going to cancel and go elsewhere and avoid the hassle. First world problems. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Mark from UK on 9th Mar 2016 Years ago Virgin mobile used to be good. Now they have gone dow the pan - you are waiting on hold for ages to have the privleges of speaking to someone in the philippines if their is a problem with your account or signal - i changed to Life mobile - much cheaper than virgin and customer service is better to. Rating: Reply Reviewed by me from uk on 5th Feb 2016 Have had a contracrt with virgin mobile for over 4 yrs, always been paid but cannot upgrade. Rating: Reply Reply by Anna from Britain on 14th Jun 2016 Ive had three contracts in my name with virgin mobile for many years, never missed a direct debit payment. My contract is up for renewal any day now. Called them to discuss and was told i have to have a credit check. The rude and abrupt operator told me that i have failed this and that there is nothing that they could do and suggested i go on to sim only. Im disgusted. Reply by EVIE from BRIGHTON. on 16th Aug 2016 ANNA ITS ALL RUBBISH TRUTH IS THE ARE NOW GOING THROUGH A DIFFERENT CHEAPER CREDIT CHECK AGENCY CALLED EQIFAX..WHO DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. THEY TRY TO SIGHN YOU UP TO A MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. i WENT TO CLEARSCORE..ITS FREE..i HAD THE SAME PROBLEM ANNA. ITS A CON. i JUST FOUND OUT THAT THEIR ADVISOR WHOM DEALT WITH MY UPGRADE PUT IN WRONG ADDRESS..GO TO THE STORE WITH YOUR COUNCIL TAX BILL AND FORMS WITH ADRESS ON..THEY SPEAK ENGLISH AND YOUR PROBLEM WILL THEN GET SORTED..we are dealing with poeple whom dont speak english and read from scripts..anything else and its just a circus Reviewed by Kev from UK on 6th Jan 2016 Was with Vigin mobile for many years on the 20 VIP with unlimited everything all for 8. Virgin started to become unrliable with data speeds. Sometimes couldnt even load a webpage, it wasnt down to 3.5gb limit. The other con they pull is offer 8gb data but its still capped at 3.5gb at full speed. Spoke to someone in headoffice which was just pointles, so i left and went with EE. No speed issues at all. Just moved the wife over to Life mobile as shes happy with 3g. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Jane from Uk on 4th Jan 2016 Have a PAYG mobile. When I ring to top up with a new card the system loops back to the beginning once I have given the expiry date. This has been going on for a month now. Twice I have managed to get through to a so-called release Redon and guess what They disappear when I reach the same point of registering a new card. I have been subject to canard fraud twice recently and am thinking could it be this site Minus 10 stars. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Tanja from UK on 22nd Dec 2015 Virgin mobile is a disgrace - I have a telecoms bundle worth 80 plus a mobile contract with them. Had to make an emergency phone call abroad outside of my normal UK allowance and was under the impression I had a 50 credit limit. They allowed me to make that call and accumulate costs for texts abroad to the value of over 100 before barring my account twice. Once after the foreign call when I phoned them up and enquired I was told my credit limit was 60 - so I was under the impression I reached my credit limit then and asked how to re-establish my phone to work again, was told no action was needed as money would come out of direct debit. I asked for my credit limit to be lowered to the lowest possible which is 50 and the customer services assistant said she would action this. second time around, 5 days later the phone was barred again, no more phone calls abroad so not sure why it should. Told my credit limit suddenly was 100 and some unintelligle garble about why I was over 100 in debt with them. They then insisted I asked them to increase my credit limit to 100 at the last phone call. what a joke. before I spoke to the supervisor who made no sense, the customer services person made no sense either and patronisingly told me I shouldnt make calls abroad. I am considering seriously to cancel my whole telecoms bundle with them plus my mobile phone contract as I had nothing but hassle and problems with them over the years, have been with them since 15 years. Rating: Reply Reviewed by b hoad from uk on 18th Dec 2015 rubbish rubbish rubbish. customer service rubbish mobile phone contact rubbish. managers rubbish problem solving rubbish Rating: Reply Reviewed by Bob Fish from England on 10th Dec 2015 Virgin steal your money I had a pay as you go phone for emergency purposes with a credit balance of 11.49 due to their stated lack of use this service has been terminated without any notification and the monetary balance kept I am told there will not be any refund or mechanism to reclaim. I am totally disgusted with virgin. I have been a loyal customer for about 10 years silly me. Rating: Reply Reply by Patricia Green from France on 23rd Apr 2016 I have just realised I have the same problem - I kept an English mobile for emergency use, and there must have been over 10 credit, and now no service. How can they steal your money like this I also had a sim which I used in my iphone, and paid every month for over 2years and only used it when in UK, and last December tried to use it - no service, so I cancelled it. So I suppose this is their way of paying me back for having the nerve to cancel one of their contracts - which actually THEY DID, because the sim didnt work, so I was well within my rights. Good job I have another sim for the iphone, so not without a phone. Will never use virgin again. Reviewed by Michael from United Kingdom on 6th Dec 2015 This is probably the only problem Ive had with VirginMobile. The problem is that ny allowance updates on the 5th of every month but I havent been updated yet. It is now the 6th. Why could this be Rating: Reply Reviewed by Carol from Scotland on 29th Nov 2015 I have two virgin mobiles soon to be one wont let me get a upgrade to say Im disgusted is an understatement Ive been with them for 3 12 years to be told I didnt pass the credit check I think theyre all wrong Ive never missed or been late with payments I dont think they should be allowed to get away with it angry is not even the word. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Sarah from Scotland on 17th Nov 2015 I have been a Virgin Mobile customer for years and had pay monthly VIP for the last 4 years for 2 handsets when trying to upgrade i was told that I couldnt even though it says so on my online account. I am absolutely disgusted as I have never missed a payment EVER. GREAT WAY TO TREAT LOYAL CUSTOMERS Rating: Reply Reviewed by Blackjag from UK on 7th Nov 2015 Virgin Mobile is the worst mobile company in the world. The service is disgusting. They have stolen my credit balance due to lack of use and refuse to repay me. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Darren from U. K on 4th Nov 2015 Shocking customer service They want to charge me 78 for a repair to my phone or i can pay 70 excess fee on my insurance for a phone that if recycled through virgin is worth 9.00 My LCD screen under the glass screen on my Sony Xperia M2 as started bleeding across from the bottom right to the top left of the screen, there is no physical damage to the glass screen on the phone, however they are claiming it is accidental damage, thus invalidating my warranty on the phone, however they tell me this fault could occur at anytime and could take months to come to light so their findings are inconclusive yet they feel able to make a definitive decision based upon inconclusive data, really really poor. The phone was kept in a case from day one to prevent accidental damage occurring. They do not care about their customers full stop, its a shame as some of their staff are very good but do not the authority to deal with the issues. I was told to go online to find out how to contact their complaints department, there were two options either call in which they recommended you do or write into a PO box address, however when i called the number i was reliably informed by their member of staff that you cannot raise complaints over the phone, talk about the left and right hand not knowing whats going on. I have since written my complaints letter and i await their response, however if they do not resolve this matter in a satisfactory manner i will not only take my business but i will also take my families business elsewhere at a cost to Virgin of 1,500 a year, they only care about money so hit them were it hurts them the most. This is not the first time i have received or experienced poor customer service from virgin in the last 12 months, however it will be the last as this is the straw that as broken the camels back. VIRGIN DISGRACE Rating: Reply Reviewed by Dez from U. K. on 1st Nov 2015 Having been with virgin mobile for many many years I must say how rubbish they are now we have 3 contracts had to send my 9 month old phone back to them sent it back sayin its water damage they say as it may not have been dropped in water which it has not it may have been caused by a change in the climate or by moisture by takin it in the shower or bath what a joke now left with my old phone well we r cancelling two of the contracts as they r up for renewal and I will not be upgrading mine so avoide virgin mobile as they are just not bothered about long standing customers and customer service is terrible. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Marc from Uk on 27th Oct 2015 After being a mobile customer for 15 years and on contract for last 2 years being told cant upgrade or even have sim only is like a kick in teath. Computer says NO. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Carl from UK on 27th Oct 2015 I have had a SIM only deal for 2 years with Virgin media. 15 per month for unlimited calls, texts and 3G data. I needed to contact them today. Call centre was based outside the UK but had no problem dealing with my address change. I asked if I was eligible for a mobile phone and got transferred to a UK team. Advisor in the upgrades team told me I have a C3 credit rating with Virgin mobile, so I can have 3 phones and any models except I phone 6 or new Samsung. I have never had an issue with Virgin Mobile and cant fault their customer service. I would recommend based on my experience with them. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Yoda from Scotland on 23rd Oct 2015 Avoid this mob at all costs. Terrible customer service, Unlimited means, the sim tops up daily to the max daily network allowance. If you go over, the service gets cut and then a cycle of madness ensues involving customer services. When you pay for unlimited you should GET UNLIMITED Im not even gonna go into it, just do yourself a favour. AVOID. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Aaina from UK on 23rd Oct 2015 Do not buy virgin sim, the internet data reception is pathetic. Bleib weg. I have one, and it is slow, never connects at various areas. Its horrible. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Matthew from Speed on 20th Oct 2015 Avoid Virgin mobile at all costs, the Internet on there all. Inclusive packages are caped at a fare usage limit to suit there selves, the Internet speed is atrocious to say the least thats if you can connect at all. Over seas call centres that basically are useless that is if you can get through or understand them, complain about the coverage and you will spend hrs getting no where Diabolical service and cant wait for the contract to end. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Jim from Canada on 17th Oct 2015 Absolutely the worst service in the world. I had the dire misfortune of dealing with this sub par company for several years and was repeatedly subject to severely handicapped customer service reps who could barely string a sentence of English together. They continually cut off my service at random times without warning claiming I had gone over my service. which I hadnt. It caused me to miss work, miss personal calls and then have the arduous task of calling customer service again and try to plead with them to turn my service back on. Only to have the abhorrent cycle to start again a month later. Please do not support this band of degenerate charlatans and use a proper company The ultimate insult was when I called to cancel, they informed me after my rant that it would be 35 to re activate my account lol Rating: Reply Reviewed by Christine from porth on 6th Oct 2015 Virgin is the worst network iv even know of I wanted to go from three and thought Id give virgin a go what a joke I went to a virgin store and had my new therty day rolover the guy in the store asked me if I was keeping my old number I told yes he then asked me if I have a paccode I said yes he then said that he could activate my paccode former I thought good save me doing how I wish I never bothered I did it on the twenty ninth of September and still waiting when I phone virgin up thay say thay are waiting for my number from three then thay say its frozen then thay only have part of my number then I phone three thay say its nothing to do with them I dont know what to do know as I have three weeks left can anybody help Rating: Reply Reviewed by Tracey from UK on 5th Oct 2015 Diabolical customer service. Wrong phone sent out, seven phone calls later five non call backs still waiting for the correct phone to be delivered. The service team continually lie, promise resolutions that dont materilise. So today I gave up ordered a phone from Carphone Warehouse. No compensation offerred by Virgin so I decided to take my business else where. I will be pursuing this tragic episode via Watchdog, The Guardian Trading Standards. Buy at your peril ( Rating: Reply Reviewed by Kenneth Jiles from England on 5th Oct 2015 Terrible customer service, telephone staff tell lies and fail to action orders. Do not use this company as they will fob you off with any old rubbish and when a refund is warranted they take time to refund unlike when you pay them. ASvoid this company at all costs. Rating: Reply Reviewed by MT from United Kingdom on 4th Oct 2015 I wouldnt return to this company ever It goes from worse to worse. First they decide to emigrate my broadband account (probably because I wouldnt buy into one of their pricey media packages) - so I find myself with TalkTalk (a very nice way to treat a loyal customer of many years). As for the mobile phone (purchased before emigrated by Virgin), I have had the worst ever reception I cannot even use the phone in my own home most of the time. Right now, I cannot access emails or the internet And, in London, Ive been cut off in the middle of calls more often than I can actually count Theres better and more caring companies out there then this Rating: Reply Reviewed by So pin from uk on 1st Oct 2015 vigin mobile have the poorest customer service ever. I changed my contract over was told my phone was delivered by the courier when it wasnt, faugulently signed for and when I rang Virgin to complain they put the blame on me and tried to accuse me of stealing the phone. I have get till this day not had my phone or sim delivered I have to ring the police to tell them about the theft by yodel, and they still will not send out another phone or cancel my contract. I think the service is disgusting and will never use vergin again. EE u r the best, with 15 years of loyal service phones delivered on time. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Kerry from UK on 19th Sep 2015 I am a complaints and sales handler in my present company so I do understand how difficult it can be dealing customers on a daily basis. But the service I have received from Virgin is disgusting. Signed up to a 24 month mobile contract on the 1st of September. On the 5th of September my phone developed a hairline crack under the jack cable, roughly about the size of a postage stamp. I contacted customer care who decided to refer me directly to Microsoft technical help desk. The person I spoke to informed me that because the screen was cracked, then this was out with my warranty and I would be charged for a repair if their engineers concluded the crack was the result of a handling issue. They arranged to send prepaid envelope to return the phone for repair. I called Virgin the next day after reading threads on the web from customers who had similar issues with their handsets within the warranty period. I spoke to a customer care adviser, and again advised that I was within the cooling off period and wanted a replacement handset or would have to cancel as the product was not fit for use (The product wasnt dropped, handled heavily or banged so the crack must be a manufacturing issue) The adviser assured me the matter was resolved and I would be sent an exchange within two days - he mentioned a replacement may take an extra day as he was busy but I would be sent a new phone before the end of the week. Two days passed, still no callback. I again called Virgin to check on the progress of the previous call. The next adviser I spoke to said he would gladly get a replacement organised and would contact me on the 16th to confirm delivery. Because I reported the fault on the 9th, I spoke to the adviser at length regarding the cooling off period and was told I could cancel as the product was not fit for use and the 14 day period still applied. He arranged a replacement for today, involving a courier to my address and the old phone would be exchanged for a new one. He said someone would have to be at home to sign for it. Schneller Vorlauf bis heute My husband waited in all day for a call as I was working. Get home and theres been no call from Virgin and my old phone is still sitting on the table. Called the helpline and spoke to yet another customer service adviser. Turns out the guy who arranged the exchange was off and there was a note in the system saying Virgin had cancelled the exchange. Nobody bothered to tell me. Fifty minutes later, I was told they are not replacing a faulty product within the 14 day cooling off period and told me I couldnt take it into store to have someone look at it. I said I wished to return the product and cancel due to poor service and products - Their Manager said I have lost my right to cancel as Microsoft must confirm if the product was faulty in the first place. They are now sending me another prepaid envelope. What happens now Nothing. They wont pull the calls I made with the previous advisers but said they will pass on my concerns as a Training Issue. If I cant prove the phone was faulty when i purchased it, then Ill be landed with a damaged product for 24 months. If they do find the product was faulty, I get to cancel and sign up with a better phone provider. I know people moan about call centres in places like India. The people I spoke to are in their UK call centre so I wont be blaming a language barrier for Virgin taking the mick while taking my Direct Debit. Rating: Reply Reviewed by David Marshall from England on 19th Sep 2015 Five weeks since VIRGIN Media blocked my mobile phone The service has been absolutely rubbish so many promises that they must have run out of crossed fingers Supervisors hanging up on me twice Promise of call back. still waiting Promises that the phone would be freed within 24 hours Now the department that can free there admin error is not open but a further call back 5 weeks. dreadful Rating: Reply Reviewed by keith from uk on 18th Sep 2015 Been with virgin mobile for 6 years have 4 phones with them for family never missed payments all are vip deal so pay 140 a month for all contracts, coming up for renewal tried renew one but told failed credit checks. my credit is poor but never had problem before so looks like pay as u go deals needs to be done. in away sad but hey least no cntracts anymore will save 100 A month ish which is my gain virgins loss. Anyone having trouble like me. have they changed their policy lately Rating: Reply Reply by evie from brighton on 16th Aug 2016 yes they have now gone through a credit company called eqifax. whom do not reconise my address..same problems as yourself keith. I was told to call them myself to rectify my problem..its all complete and utter bullshit. excuse the pun..they asked me to enrole in a monthly subscription to look at my credit score.. I explained i am with clearscore my credit is fine . and that your computer is not reconiseing my address. but whom am i paying each and every month then. dont waste your breath over this past year they are dealing with new credit check agency and advisors whom. well are bog standard. I have same problem but can not deal with these idiots much longer. SHAME. BUT LOYALY COUNTS FOR NOTHING..AS SAD AS IT IS Reviewed by Carol from England on 17th Sep 2015 Took out a mobile contract for my daughter to use. I told them I only wanted a year as she would be leaving after that. They now say the contract was for two years and that they would listen to the original phone call to prove it. Funnily enough they now say they cant listen to the original call and that I owe them next 12 months money. Told me to look on terms and conditions which I didnt receive. I only received an e mail stating the phone was on its way. Rating: Reply Reviewed by RON from ENGLAND on 13th Sep 2015 Hi I have read all of the reviews and agree with all the one star reviews. I have been handling my wifes account with Virgin regarding her wish to cancel her mobile phone contract which she has had for between 34 years. This enquiry was started in July 2015. I notified Virgin customer service then that she no longer wished to continue. During my conversation I was asked for her pass word unfortunately she had forgotten it. Because the pass word could not be sorted THEY refuse to cancel the contract and continued to ask for payment. The monthly payment were made from bank direct debit. This has been stopped. The follow up was letter from Virgin which arrived asking to start up the direct debit and demanding 10.40 outstanding. Obviously they are not on. It appears they have trained staff to be arrogant and pressurise people into paying for a truly bad service. People who dont know how to deal with this sort of situation. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Becca from England on 11th Sep 2015 I used to have a phone with Virgin, but after reading these reviews I am so glad I changed to O2. Even more so after trying to help my dad with his phone. As he doesnt use his phone that much, he was offered a customer loyalty discount that would last him two years. Fine, until the discount came to an end as did his contract. With no warning. The previous contract he was on was not a roll on contract, so he should have either been notified the contract was at an end, or had his phone stopped. Instead, horribly, his was charged double and even one month quadruple what he always paid with NO NOTIFICATION. Due to some personal issues and circumstances my dad didnt notice this was happening until nine months later. Immediately he was on the phone to customer service. After being told theyd phone back, he waited a week before taking the initiative to call them once more. Not only was there no record of having to call him back, apparently they forgot to make a note to call him back, but as Virgin is a large company they are not obligated to inform someone of their contract ending. They encourage people to look at their accounts and their bills. Being a large company, it is difficult to contact each customer when their contract is up. Well, O2 do it for me, I was informed via text 2 months before my contract was up, and reminded via email every week for the last remaining month. But despite the difficult personal issues my dad was going through, he should have remembered his TWO year contract was ending. Essentially, they blamed my dad for the nine months of extra payment, and cannot reimburse him the money lost. Instead they sold him a SIM only contract for 5 just a small victory, but its not going to bring back the 150 my dad is owed. But I swear to whatever deity is out there, if I find out that my dad gets charged any more than the amount he was told by customer service, I will be furious. Pathetic customer service and despicable excuses. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Charlotte from England on 8th Sep 2015 Spoke to virgin mobile in April, asked them when my end of contract date was and told them I wished the contract to end then and not continue. Still being billed for a phone thats in the bin and they just keep saying thats not the convocation you had but when I ask them to go check the conversation that should be recorded Im told they cant do that. well why did the guy last week say that he could and would do that if you cant Now, 4 months down the line, Im being told I had to inform them within 30 days that I wished for the contract to finish. Wasnt told the originally though and now tell me they cant cancel the contract until I pay them 75 to bring the account upto date. what an account I cancelled months ago. Their systems are dated, their staff are untrained and are only trained to get customers to pay money thats it, no help no service nothing like it was 10 years ago Discussed, and to make a complaint you have to write a flipping letter to somewhere in Swansea. Who writes letters these days why cant I email Why cant I speak to somebody. I am not paying a damn penny for somebody elses mistake they can jump HAVE virgin media wouldnt even giving them 1 star We had same problems last year with virgin media when we moved house, was told the area COULD receive virgin media, when we moved house we were told different, and we would have to pay to get out of the contract or go with a secondary service which would cost more money. do one Argued, won the case, and yet they still sent debt letters out so we had to ring them back to argue what they had already told us. And they never changed our address after telling them 10 times Rating: Reply Reviewed by Kimberly M from United States on 27th Aug 2015 I have to say I love Virgin Mobile. I have been using them as my cellular provider for about 3 years now. I have good service in most areas and I love that I am under no contract. Also there are no hidden fees like with other companies. I know what I will have to pay each and every month and I dont have to worry about some extra charge being tacked on without my knowledge. In fact, Virgin actually tacked on 5 to my account balance last month because it had been reported that there was an outage in my area. I hadnt asked for anything, they just gave it to me because they felt it was right Who else does that. Also I got a text from them saying that I had an added GB of data per month FREE of charge. I have unlimited data but everyone knows speeds are slowed down after you use so many (mine is normally 2GB). So I now have 3GB before my speeds slow and I thank them so much for giving me that extra. I had an issue today where I thought I had mistakenly charged my debit card twice to pay my monthly dues so I sent a quick email explaining that. Within a few hours I had a response from a lady at customer service. Normally with other customer services I would have had to call and be transferred around 4 or 5 times and then on hold for who knows how long. So I am thankful I could communicate through email and not have to wait forever. They are just great great great in my opinion Rating: Reply Reviewed by David Neale from UK on 18th Aug 2015 Very poor customer service within the UK and at their overseas bases, they have a take it or leave it attitude, so i am leaving it. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Paul from England on 18th Aug 2015 After failing to negotiate an improved offer on a new contract with Virgin at the beginning of July, I asked for my PAC code so I could transfer my number to new network. This happened on the 4th July, we are now at 18th August, my number hasnt been ported, Virgin are insisting that I still have a contract with them, and so I have a split contract - two phones, same number. I can receive calls and texts on the old phone and make callssend texts on the new one. My new provider is unable to get an answer from Virgin either as to why all the files have not been sent across for porting. The Virgin customer services is in the Philippines I believe - they are worse than useless. If anyone has a UK number I can call that would be very helpful. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Susan thompson from England on 16th Aug 2015 After reading so many awful reviews. I feel I need to say something about the dreadful customer service that Virgin have. To say the staff are rude ignorant and just dont listen is an understatement to say the least. Oh and forgot to add Liars to that. To everyone who is thinking of going with Virgin dont and the ones that are already with them get out as soon as you can. Genug gesagt. Rating: Reply Reviewed by ann from england on 14th Aug 2015 Ok until needed a repair phone came back cracked and all techical team want to do is send sim cards. The woman in techical team was very unpleasant and did not want to know about the crack and said well mine got a crack in to. Now you told us your phone is cracked youry insurance is void she was so unpleasant and kept on about her phone. Cant wait until my contract ends. I have been a good customer to vigin but it count for nothing. I would give them zero ratings. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Kasey from UK on 12th Aug 2015 Been a Virgin Mobile customer for almost 7 years. I do travel often and since I had some awful experience with Virgin previously but I accepted it was my fault by not turning my mobile data off while abroad this time around they went too far. I never fell in arrears with them and capped my monthly allowance to 100 due to above mentioned previous experience. I travelled on 147 to 4 different countries for a period of 24 days and never used any mobile data. I occasionally sent messages to friends and family plus had to make a call to Lufthansa to confirm a flight thats about it. I landed back on London Heathrow on 68 my phone was suspended on 78.I called them to find out exactly what happened. i was told my account went over the limit. Asked customer services regarding the adequate amount required the answer was 30 pounds to put me below my limit and my bill was due to be debited in a few days so I paid the amount I was advised on..since Im on unlimited SIM only monthly roll on contract means once Im back in the UK and below the credit limit my service was to be free. I was WRONG the next day my account was suspended bang in the middle of a very important chat. Tried calling 789 but all received was It looks like your account is suspended you can call us on 789 anytime you like and call disconnected. Despite a several more attempts with 789 then 0345 6000 789 I kept getting in the same message with disconnection. I asked my son to call them and he did he was told I was over my limit by 36 pounds I asked why and the customer service told me over usage abroad I explained it can not be right because I also have a secondary phone to use abroad and my virgin mobile is usually turned off and I always make sure that I accidentally do not dial a number which is almost impossible with an S6 anyway. Besides my bill was pulled below my limit which I am on unlimited tariff and no charges should be applicable but I still ended up paying further 36 pounds due to my mobile is very important. That was supposed to be it but WAIT. My phone was suspended again the third day again..Another few attempts and same message followed by disconnection I eventually called from another number to find out that my unlimited account was 39 pounds over the limit for over usage abroad. At that point the customer service received a proper mouthful and I requested a PAC code. Now I decided to move to 3 network unlimited SIM deal purely based on I can use my mobile in Europe and Israel with no extra cost Virgin will never get a penny of me again thats for sure. They are nothing short of disgraceful . Rating: Reply Reviewed by David Young from england on 11th Aug 2015 virgin trying to charge direct debit for phone never recieved phoned numerous times over last month been told dont worry will be sorted and passed on to chase team two weeks later. Get letter saying in arrears and will affect credit rating phoned yet again and got told the same in hands of chase team pathetic customer service havent got clue what there doing say anything to get you off phone good job I cancelled direct debit as they just say account open till they get phone back which I never recieved in begin how can I send it back. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Nth from Ecosse on 5th Aug 2015 My case is basically identical to Susans. My bill is up to date, no service and getting fobbed off, disconnected and run around. They have managed to register TWO sim cards to the one number resulting in it reverting to it being a PAYG sim whenever it, (seemingly), updatesupdated Beyond USELESS is putting it lightly. VERY lightly. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE MY CONTRACT WILL BE CANCELLED with Venerial Media. Rating: Reply Reviewed by susan from united Kingdom on 28th Jul 2015 I have been suspended from my virgin mobile account for 3 weeks now. It all started when they cut me off on a Monday, i rang them up and asked why they had done this and they said they had technical difficulties with the system and that i would be up and running in 24 hours but of course i was not. i rang up two days after and asked why I was still not able to ring or text people and they said I owed them 45 and I told them I had paid it on the Wednesday which was a week before I was suspended. They checked their system and told me I was correct and said I would be on shortly. Of course I was not, throughout the whole of the 3 weeks I have been suspended, I have kept ringing customer service to see when I am going to be able to use my phone properly and all they have said is it would be up in 24 hours or reboot your device in the next hour, I am sick of hearing that same voice everytime I ring someone sorry your account has been suspended if you would like to get back up and running you can call us on 789 anytime you like I will not be coming back to virgin once my contract has run out they are appalling and the staff is useless because they cant even turn a phone on by a computer Rating: Reply Reviewed by Fiona Breen from UK on 27th Jul 2015 Absolutely horrendous. i moved from O2 to Virgin a few months ago for a cheaper tariff and deeply deeply regret my decision. Some very rude staff, some very nice staff who unforuntately cant seem to get done due to rubbish internal systems and processes, internet down half the time and generally the whole service is backwards - I can get internet about 30 of the time and then its incredibly slow through to having to call to use your mobile abroad ann turn on picture messaging - ridiculous. If you do not have a job and enjoy spending your time on the phone complaining (and generally getting cut off), and have a trust fund to pay the outrageously high bills for anything outside your package - Virgin Mobile is definitely for you. If this doesnt sound like your thing DONT DO IT. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Phil Jones from Wales, UK on 27th Jul 2015 When I moved to a non-cable area I terminated my TVetc contract with Virgin but stupidly kept the phone contract of 10 a month. Sometime in 2012 they called me and said that they were increasing the charge to 21 but that I would have a discount of 17.60. Stupidly, I agreed to this apparently generous offer. I had a number of issues over the following year where they forgot my discount but I usually got it changed back. About two tears ago my phone (my own handset) broke. My local (Swansea) Virgin store were not interested in any new deal anyway close to what I was paying so instead of trying to cancel the contract (for which I have no paperwork) I bought a cheap deal from Tesco and let the Virgin contract continue at 3.60 a month even though I didnt have a working phone (I know - I said I was stupid but I thought that one day I would replace the old phone). Then in April I was not charged the usual 3.60. In May they advised me that my next bill would be 43.08. I immediately stopped my direct debit with Virgin and contacted them to ask why No explanation but they now refuse to terminate my contract and continue to add a monthly charge of 21.60. They say I now owe 86.16, do not answer my letters and have put mu debt in the hands of Moorcroft Debt Recovery Agency who have sent me a very threatening letter. I dont know what to do because to pay them wouldnt stop Virgin continually increasing the debt to screw more money out of me. Rating: Reply Reviewed by M Trowell from uk on 21st Jul 2015 what Virgin mobile charge you for going over your monthly quote is absolutely disgusting and why they cannot cap your monthly time is unbelievable, I would advise do not Go with VIRGIN MOBILE. VERY VERY POOR. Rating: Reply Reviewed by michelle from UK on 20th Jul 2015 Ive got TV, Internet, phone a other box in the bedroom, I also have my mobile with them. Been with them for the last 5 years. Back in 2013 my phone (htc) died, so I went on line (October 2013) and ordered a new phone. Knowing my contract wasnt up until December 2013. The phone came, noticed no sim or new number was in there. So phoned customer service, eventually spoke to someone in the upgrades team. Was told they allow their customers to upgrade 23 months before hand. Hence why I had no new sim or new number and my contract will continue with them for another 24 months. Contract is due October, knowing I was allowed to upgrade early last time, I phoned the upgrades team. Only to be told its too early and unless I want to pay 176 to end the contract there was nothing I can do. so I explain what happened last time, the staff member said that it was impossible to do this and they dont allow it. OK. so why was last time different this time its not. I was then told on the phone that I cant stay on the contract Ive got I have to a free style contractc (I DONT WNT THAT CONTRACT), seen to many things that would put anyone off. Was then told that if I dont have that contract I wont be able to upgrade and can only get a pay as you go sim. Yet their website shows freestyle and standard contracts. Im debating what to do when its due. Staff are either rude or have no clue what they are talking about. Can never answer a question, they clearly dont know their products Rating: Reply Reviewed by David from England on 19th Jul 2015 What a rubbish outfit, if you require any help from customer services it quite often takes 45 to 50 mins of talking to people who do not seem in the least bit interested. They pass you from one department to another and quite often the transfer results in either losing connection or a return to the multiple choice menu, which results in starting all over again. It seems impossible to speak to anyone who is capable of answering the most simple question, you get the feeling everything is scripted and they are trained not to put their own brain in gear. If you have all the time in the world to try and sort out minor problems go to Virgin, if you have a life beyond your mobile phone then steer clear. Rating: Reply Reviewed by karol from london on 16th Jul 2015 Iv been a virgin mobile contract customer for over 20 yrs now. But since Jan when I upgraded iv been having major probs getting on the Internet. I only recently in march changed my package plan because I wanted unlimited Internet because I dont have a computer. But im worse of Im wondering if I have grounds to cancel my contract without having to pay virgin to end it. Because Iv had more days not being able to connect to the Internet then getting on it. and its not fair on me paying 30 mth for something Im not able to load when I want it. Virgin have checked signal in my area and its good. I personally think virgin stop me accessing the Internet to stop me using it. bearing in mind I upgraded to having my Internet usage unlimited. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Andrew from England on 16th Jul 2015 Terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE network coverage. 99.9 of the time it states I have full signal and 3G yet wont load Facebook, mail, send iMessages, watch videos on YouTube, stream Spotify, connect to games, and so on. What is the point of owning a smart phone if the provider cannot provide what it states it can The virgin media broadband is the best out there, yet their mobile network is horrific They even let other companies use 4G through their service yet dont provide it themselves. Probably because they know that even if it states 4G, they wouldnt really be any signal Something needs to be done with being able to get out of mobile contracts when you come to a point where your phone cant even do what it issue to do I would NEVER EVER recommend virgin mobile to anybody at all. If you choose to go with them you will regret it They are literally the worst provider I have ever had the displeasure of being with, and Ive been with 3 If I could select it they wouldnt even get 1 star Virgin mobile, hang your heads in shame as you fail 100 at being a network provider Rating: Reply Reviewed by Chris from GB on 9th Jul 2015 Please dont sign virgin mobile contract bad customer service and no 4G service shame on you virgin. Rating: Reply Reviewed by brian. gumm from uk on 7th Jul 2015 virgin mobile. Will not un lock your mobile when you go to a new company. I have asked them to unlock my phone. I have had my phone for 5years. And they still not unlock it for me. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Maureen heathcote from UK on 3rd Jul 2015 Changed providers did the puk code, now theyve taken old number so other provider now cut off, but havent transferred my number to new phone. They text saying up running welcome, are they joking 3 calls later nothing, so no one can get hold of me, but thanks virgin. for nothing. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Simon cockerham from United Kingdom on 30th Jun 2015 Not at all happy with virgin, upgrade day today so rang up and got refused Ive been told Id have to keep my tariff and very tired phone, pretty much got told to put up and shut up. Anyway as I suspect this is because they ran a bare bones credit check (no previous address taken and I do refuse to sign the electoral roll) They put me through to the loyalty dept which just said you failed your credit check theres nothing we can do. cheers virgin Their tone had also changed toward me I felt degraded and annoyed. (not much tho) Soooooo I went to Vodafone and scored top of the range phone simples. So thats my review loyalty means nothing to virgin, computer says no. Crazy. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Dot from Scotland on 29th Jun 2015 Have had Virgin Media TV, Broadband and Landline for years with no problems. Family bought me a Mobile Phone from Virgin for my Christmas. As a pay as you go customer I wanted to use up my existing balance with my previous supplier. Started with my new phone from Virgin in March and everything was fine until Mid-May when it all began to go pear shaped. Have yet to find anyone in customer service who knows what they are talking about. Each one had different ideas to the phones problems, a couple even hung up as they had no clue whatsoever. Have just received number 3 replacement sim which doesnt work either in the ZTE Kiss 3 Max. It has now been decided by customer service that it is the handset itself that is faulty. They are now trying to say they have no record the phone was purchased from them but my daughter has proof to the contrary. They want me to take the phone to a Virgin store in Falkirk to have it checked out but wont guarantee I wont be charged. Not a chance. The phone is faulty and totally useless. DONT TOUCH VIRGIN. Customer satisfaction doesnt exist. Rating: Reply Reviewed by johnlarvin from uk on 28th Jun 2015 Broke my phone two months before end of contract. All Virgin would offer was 60 repair or for me to pay off contract. Bought a new phone and two weeks later Virgin are all over me offering an upgrade A dozen missed calls later a foreign call centre got hold of me started the upgrade and then discovered incosistencies on my account and rang off. Spoke toa very nice lady the next day who told me the problem was with their system. Still waiting for an answer to a complaint I made last year. When I rang about the complaint I was told they take up to 28 days to answer an email. Twelve months later no reply and even poorer customer service. There web site tells me I am one of their most valued customers God help any one who and fixed line. nicht. Looking for a new provider for three mobile accounts plus tv broadband and fixed line. Any suggestions Rating: Reply Reviewed by Kim Anthony Simpson from UK (Plymouth) on 17th Jun 2015 What has happened to the Virgin signal Since ee took over its been really bad, all in the last cpl of months or so. I used to have all 4 bars showing now Im lucky if I get one When I call customer services they dont want to kno or tell me to switch fone off and on again Im thinking of leaving them out of sheer frustration Virgin get your act together Rating: Reply Reviewed by John Early from Scotland on 7th Jun 2015 had a virgin sim only phone, this phone broke beyond repair, bought lumia 535 was unable to register phone to my virgin media mobile account. I called the help centre and was infromed that my account would have to be reset and to wait 24hrs and retry. 24hrs later unable to log into my mobile account called customer services and after explaining my problem and 1 hour later was told to register my new phone using a different email address as you can only register one mobile per account. As soon as I have used up my credit I will be changing to another provider. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Douglas Hislop from United Kingdom on 28th May 2015 No available chat on their website, nor a direct email for contact. Have to go to their facebook page to make a public complaint for everyone to see and then get a link to complain on their social media form. They need to get rid of the hip hop responses and employ serious customers relations staff who talk professionally and knowledgably. Things like were on the case and returned a repair item in a box with snug as a bug in a rug on it. I get the impression customers get lied to and fobbed off, in the hopes theyll just go away. Pointless getting sports stars to feature in their tv ads in the hopes that people will want to buy Virgin. Most people go by word of mouth and reviews and the word is spreading. Virgin are rubbish. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Darran Murphy from UK on 28th May 2015 sent me a new phone upgrade everything was buffering only getting 2 bars from 5 in signal slow connection disappointed in virgin the service is going downwards everyone has 4G except them something doesnt add up phone go, s back tomorrow fed up of trying to be a loyal customer and repeating myself over and over to them especially when i am getting less for my money on this new contract and the price has gone up already started having less on my tv package because nothing gets resolved by them Rating: Reply Reviewed by David from Scotland on 25th May 2015 I must say the service from virgin mobile has been an absolute shambles. There signal is bearly usable and they refuse to do anything about it. They simply pass the buck to EE. I would not recommend Virgin mobile services to anyone Rating: Reply Reviewed by Chris from UK on 16th May 2015 If you want terrible customer service including those you sent a complaint to join virgin mobile. Id rather pay a tad extra to get customer service an a phone service of quality. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Liz from Uk on 16th May 2015 Wish Id stayed with ee Rating: Reply Reviewed by Steve from Scotland on 12th May 2015 I have been with Virgin Mobile for years and also have TV, Broadband and Land line. A couple of years ago I got a Nokia Lumia Windows phone and have been very happy with it. My contract is up for renewal and I phoned to upgrade but the only Windows phones on offer from Virgin are three out of date models. Have reduced my contract to the minimum Sim only deal and will be going to an alternative supplier to get a recent version phone. Love to know where the call centre is, the service staff speak in difficult to understand English and obviously depend on reading from scripts instead of listening to customers and making appropriate responses. I really think Virgin should drop mobile and concentrate on the Virgin Media side of the business. The reputation of the company being given by the customer service call centre is abysmal. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Augustas from UK on 11th May 2015 Worst compony ever, I tried to change my old pay monthly plan for half a year, going to the virgin media store, trying it online and calling customer service, nothing worked. Finally decided to quit the network and after cancelling it, they added random 56 pounds on my bill. it was marked as Other costs on the bill with description Offering correction. What the hell is that you ask. I ask the same to the people in customer service, they had no reply, but said that it was a mistake. Asked them 2-3 more time what was it for, they had no explanation, but agreed that it shouldnt be there. And this is not the worst part of that talk. In order to return me the money they said that they would need to charge me 3 pounds for the return transfer. SERIOUSLY. They try to ROB me and they ask me money for returning the money that they stole from me. I have 2 more contracts (another phone and internet) which will be canceled at the fist day that the contract ends. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Carole Laing from Uk on 11th May 2015 Ordered a new update on my mobile account which should have been delivered 1st April never turned up. Tracking the parcel which should have been delivered by Yodel it stated that the phone had been delivered to my address, I asked for proof of delivery the phone should have been signed for still waiting for this proof now 11th May still no mobile. Have rung Virgin on 10 separate occasions still no joy have asked to cancel the phone but they have said cannot do this until the phone has been found and checked. I said I would cancel my direct debit and they told me the account would just mount up and I would have to pay in the end is there no way out of this stupid situation I have not even received the phone so why should I be penalised. I will ring again today and see what they fob me off with this time its getting past a joke but what can one do. Rating: Reply Reviewed by David from England on 8th May 2015 The conversation started with Hi, Ive got an issue with my rolling data bundle To which they said So what is the issue with you unlimited talk and text bundle I explained I have a five pound 1gb data bundle which is meant to roll over each month - but Id run out of data and needed to buy another one. After being told There is an error I was placed on hold for 10 minutes with no explanation to what they were going to do. Finally they arranged to call back and set up 200mb until the could resolve the issue. Well have it sorted out in 24 hours, youre 1gb of data will be applied automatically. she promised. Well 24 hours have passed and no sign of the 1gb of data, now if I try to buy a new bundle by text I get a message saying This service is no longer available. Ill give them one more chance, honestly Im not holding my breath and it will possibly be bye, bye Virgin. Rating: Reply Reviewed by Fintan from UK on 7th May 2015 Worst customer service experience of my life. Spent 40 minuts on the phone with a sales guy to set up the 30 day rolling contract who was pleasant but kept repeating himself over and over. He warned me they were experiencing service issues and that I would receive a call to confirm the order. A week later I havent received the SIM and call customer services who tell me there is no record of the order and put me through to sales. I spoke to PETER who was frankly an idoit. He kept contradicting himself and trying to force me to make another order instead of investigating what happened to my original order. I gave up and asked to speak to a superviser when he transferred me back to customer services. After 5 minutes on hold I gave up and called again myself and spoke to another customer services representative. I explained the problem and she once again tried to transfer me to sales and I told her they would just transfer me back to her. She put me on hold while she was going to talk to sales and after 10 minutes on hold I gave up again. I called a third time and got lucky. I spoke to a competent person who was able to see that I had made an order but would need to check the delivery information with Sales. He put me on hold and then told me I would have to talk to sales to make another order. I told him thats not what I wanted and I just wanted them to reissue the SIM. He told me thats what they would do. I was put through to IAN who was a typical sales guy. He told me he would have to make a replacement order and would need my details. I told him to use my existing details. He shouldnt need me to stay on the line again. He told me he wouldnt have all the details and would need to run another credit check at which point I refused and said that is totally unacceptable to run another credit check on me when Ive already gone through the process. He became irrated and said its not his fault that SIMs get lost in the post and I said I didnt believe that and that I was certain it was Virgin that had made the mistake. He tried to get me to continue to make an order and I told him no I just wanted to cancel the other one. He then put me through to the cancellation department. Finally someone who was competent, upfront and honest. She told me that the original order was not processed correctly. The account was set up but no mobile number was linked to it which means no SIM was issued. She guaranteed that no Direct Debit would come from my account and that there was nothing to cancel. She told me she would escalate it with management. The incompetence, dishonesty and unwillingness to help EXISTING customers is shameful. I am already a Virgin Media customer but thankfully the Mobile section appears to be run entirely differently. It is without doubt an absolute shambles of a serice. I got lucky in that they failed to put my order through and now after reading the comments here I thank god for that Ill be going to Vodafone or O2 and am happy to pay more for people who actually know what theyre doing. AVOID AVOID AVOID. Rating: Reply Reviewed by andy from uk on 6th May 2015 I live in Gravesend and mobile phone signal is down, any idea when it will working again Rating: Reply Showing most recent 100 reviews only. SAR values By S21, last updated 29 Nov 2016 SAR (specific absorption rate) is a measurement of how much electromagnetic radiation is absorbed by body tissue whilst using a mobile phone. The higher the SAR value the more radiation is absorbed. In Europe, the European Union Council has adopted the recommendations made by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP Guidelines 1998). These recommendations set a SAR limit of 2.0 Wkg in 10g of tissue. The UK Government has endorsed this limit (following a report by the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones) and the five mobile phone network operators have agreed to voluntarily adopt the ICNIRP guidelines for public exposure. All mobile phones on sale in the UK comply with this limit. In the United States, the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA ) requires all cell phones to comply with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC ) SAR limit of 1.6 Wkg in 1g of tissue. How to reduce your exposure to phone radiation Do not use your phone more than necessary and keep your calls short Send a text instead of making a call Try to avoid using your phone if the signal strength is low - find a better location to make a call Try to use the phone outdoors rather than inside, or move close to a window to make a call Keep the phone (and particularly the aerial) as far as possible from your head Avoid touching the aerial while the phone is turned on, and keep the phone away from areas of the body such as eyes, testicles, breasts and internal organs Limit usage as much as possible if pregnant Switch off your phone when not in use You should be aware that if the phone is receiving a very strong signal from a base station, then power output can be reduced by up to 1000 times compared with when the phone has a poor signal. SAR Values As SAR information is not always easy to find, we have compiled a list of SAR values for most phones available in the UK. Please note that S21 accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of this data. All data has been collected from third party sources and in each case the source of the data is referenced. You are advised to verify the accuracy of this information for yourself. Under no circumstances will S21 be held liable for any loss, injury or damage associated with the use of this data. You should note that while the SAR values of individual phones may vary, every phone available for sale in the UK complies with ICNIRP guidelines. You should also be aware that the SAR values shown are maximum values and in practice emissions from mobile phones will normally be lower than these figures. The emissions depend on factors such as distance from a transmission mast, whether the phone is used indoors or outdoors, how close the phone is held to the ear and other operating factors. It is important to realise that a phone with a high SAR rating may actually operate with much lower emissions in practice, and conversely a phone with a lower SAR rating may operate with emissions higher than a high SAR phone in practice. You should not rely on a low SAR rating to guarantee your health.

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